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Be careful when sending transactions! Terms of the service are set forth by the Guarantor in the terms and conditions storage Agreement accepted by users of the system upon registering their X-purses.

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The exchange rate set by the Guarantor is 0. The Guarantor will deposit the WMX to your purse after receiving six or more confirmations on the bitcoin.

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The Guarantor will accept any Bitcoin amounts for storage, but will deposit WMX only in amounts exceeding 0. Only BTC of the amount exceeding 1. For the return from storage transaction, you need to set the service fee yourself. The service fee varies depending on the current BitCoin transaction fees but bitcoin info pdf less than 0.

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The transaction fee per weight unit, which is the ratio of the transaction fee in BTC to its size in kWU, directly depends on the selected commission. The higher the fee per weight unit, the quicker your transaction will be confirmed by the Bitcoin network. The Guarantor undertakes the responsibility to forward your transaction into the Bitcoin network with the fee per weight unit which is no less than the one selected by you. Returns with the minimum fee are sent every 3 hours with an automatically determined fee per weight unit.

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Delayed returns are bitcoin info pdf info pdf with the minimal fee are sent every 3 hours with an automatically determined fee per weight unit. If the paid fee exceeds the minimum fee the difference is sent to the return address.

In order to use the service you must log in with your WMID. Subject of The Agreement. The accounting unit for Purses is 0. The Owner can transfer the BTC property rights, belonging to him accounted on his Purses of X-typein part or in full to other Owners members of the System using the accounting means bitcoin info pdf the System.

The agreement is concluded on conditions of keeping BTC property rights until they are claimed by the Owner.

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Not to use the BTC property rights, transferred for keeping, without permission of the Owner. To notify the Owner immediately about the necessity to amend the conditions of BTC property rights keeping, provided by the Agreement.

Amendments to the Agreement are considered as accepted by the Owner upon expiry of 5 five days from the date of its publishing on the website of the System, except for changes in p.

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To draw third parties fulfill the obligations under the Agreement. The Owner is hereby obliged: To specify his true and valid details when concluding the given agreement.

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To inform the Keeper in due time and to annul the Agreement in case of changing the country of residence, if this country is listed in p. The Owner has the right: To manage the BTC property rights, which belong to him, as he sees fit, including transferring and selling them bitcoin info pdf third parties. Liability of the Parties. The Keeper is fully responsible for the BTC property bitcoin info pdf, transferred to him for keeping under the Agreement, except in cases when loss, shortage or damage occurred due to force majeure circumstances, or as a result of cessation of functioning of the bitcoin.

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The Owner personally bears criminal and civil liability for violation of p. Return from Keeping. BTC property rights are returned to the addresses of the bitcoin.

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Return from keeping is performed automatically by software means of the Keeper in an hour after receipt of return address from the Owner. Following the return to the address, specified by the Owner, the Keeper transfers the bitcoin.

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Order bitcoin info pdf Form of Settlements. For providing BTC property rights keeping services, the Bitcoin info pdf disburses a fee of 0.

The given fee includes all expenses of the Keeper under the Agreement.

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Additional Conditions. The list of the countries and persons can be modified by the Keeper unilaterally at any time.

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bitcoin info pdf Services are not provided and BTC property rights transfer operations are not performed in case the Owner reside the countries, specified in p. If accepted, the given Agreement, available on the server of the System in the Internet, is considered as concluded electronically on the proposed conditions and becomes valid upon the moment of the receipt bitcoin info pdf BTC property rights for keeping, confirmed by the System.

The Agreement cannot be annulled if the balance of the above mentioned Purse is non-zero.

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